
A dystopian investment thesis

I believe there is a fairly resonable chance that the future business and political landscape will be dominiated by ultra-large, global, but vitally structually important corporations. Science fiction writers have predicted this outcome and call these entities **[megacorps](**.

Being data-driven doesn't protect you from being fooled by false narratives

If you work in data/statistics/DS/ML/AI and are active on LinkedIn you've probably seen this image. It typically recieves a large number of positive comments. This makes sense, data by itself isn't informative without a layer of interpretation. However, without a valid model of the world, 'telling a story from data' typically results in an erroneous post-hoc rationalisation of events obtained from noisy, incomplete data that is not representative of the wider population

I've minted some NFT's, but I still think they are a joke

If you’re somewhat technologically aware and haven’t been living under a rock for the last year, you’ve probably heard of NFT’s, perhaps specifically that one NFT sold for $69 million USD.

We should be calling it Pseudo-Intelligence, not Artificial-Intelligence

A passage from Neal Stephenson's The Diamond Age made me think that perhaps in the future we might be more honest what we now label and market as artificial intelligence.