
How to lose $300+ million flipping property in a rising housing market with data-science*. A lesson in adverse selection.

[Zillow]( announced it would use 'algorithms' to identify cheap properties that it could later flip for a handsome profit. Sounds obvious enough right? Surely with a big-data advantage, they will be able to do better in the housing market than the average punter? Turns out they couldn't.

I've minted some NFT's, but I still think they are a joke

If you’re somewhat technologically aware and haven’t been living under a rock for the last year, you’ve probably heard of NFT’s, perhaps specifically that one NFT sold for $69 million USD.

Repeated positive-expectation gambles can have very negative actual outcomes

In this post we will explore how playing positive expected value games is not always a good idea, even if you can play them repeatedly. This runs counter to common beliefs regarding expected values.