Non-Stationary Process

No country for old trend

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The role of skill and luck in the outcome of AFL matches.
The role of skill and luck in the outcome of AFL matches.

In this post we use a simple formula described by Michael Mauboussin in his book, The Success Equation to calculate the role of luck in AFL matches, and make some comparisons to other sports.

How to lose $300+ million flipping property in a rising housing market with data-science*. A lesson in adverse selection.
Zillow announced it would use ‘algorithms’ to identify cheap properties that it could later flip for a handsome profit. Sounds obvious enough right? Surely with a big-data advantage, they will be able to do better in the housing market than the average punter? Turns out they couldn’t.
How to lose $300+ million flipping property in a rising housing market with data-science*. A lesson in adverse selection.